In this post I describe how I installed wxWidgets and Eclipse at Linux system and make them work together.
Here is my plan:
Here is my plan:
1. Install wxWidgets
1.1 download
I use this link. It's last stable version for this moment.
1.2 unpack
I use this command: tar -xvf <wxWidgets archive.tar.gz>1.3 build
- change directory to unpacked archive cd <wxWidgets folder>
- make build folder mkdir <wxWidgets build folder>
- change current directory to build folder cd <wxWidgets build folder>
- I select following parameters for configure script:
- then type make
- then sudo make install
- and sudo ldconfig
1.4 *checkpoint*: build 'minimal' sample application
I run make command in <wxWidgets build folder>/minimal> directory and get minimal wxWidgets application.2. Install Eclipse
2.1 install Java if it's not installed
I use this link.2.2 *checkpoint*: get Java's version
java -version2.3 download Eclipse
I need Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers. It can be found here.2.4 unpack
tar -xvf <Eclipse archive.tar.gz>
There is no install procedure. Just change directory to unpacked Eclipse folder and run ./eclipse
2.5 *checkpoint*: build trivial C++ project
3. Connect Eclipse with wxWidgets.
3.1 set project options
- navigate Project > Properties > C/C++ Build > Settings > Tool Settings
- add to C++ Compiler > Command line pattern following string `wx-config --cxxflags`
- add to C++ Compiler > Includes path to wxWidgets/include folder
- add to C++ Linker > Command line pattern following string `wx-config --libs`
3.2 *checkpoint*: build 'minimal' sample application from Eclipse
After all this steps I got Linux system with installed wxWidgets and Eclipse IDE.