Sunday, December 14, 2014

BeagleBone Black

Finally I got my BeagleBone Black.
And I got answer for my first question.
Q: How to boot from SD card.
A: BBB boots from SD card by default. So, prepare bootable SD card as widely described, insert card, supply power.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Cashtrash - simple personal cash manager

Next mobile app.
Now with Qt5 tech.
There are desktop and android versions.
[Sourceforge link]
Statistic window

Chat window

Table window

Thursday, April 18, 2013

MoSyncTools: PopupMenu tool

This is last tool in MoSyncTools cycle.
PopupMenu in action.

PopupMenu with many items.

PopupMenu shows menu with title, help message and some buttons
This project was created to simplify common task - create and show menu.
There is possibility to change title, text of help, remove and add menu items, to hide and show menu.

Demo program, html/pdf help at github.

Monday, April 15, 2013

MoSyncTools: PopupProgress tool

Here is second NativeUI tool -- PopupProgress. It shows message with title, text and progress bar with percentage.
PopupProgress in action.
You can find demo program, html and pdf help at github.

Friday, April 12, 2013

MoSyncTools: WaitMessage tool

Here is first NativeUI tool among MoSyncTools. It shows message with caption, message and wait indicator.
WaitMessage in action.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

MoSyncTools: StorageWorks tool

Here is second MoSync tool:
StorageWorks -- easy OOP wrapper of MoSync storage.
github repository

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

MosyncTools announce

I decided to share some of useful tools which I created during work under reList455 project.
First of them is StringSdcard -- simple way to write/read string to/from device's SD card.
Feel free to explore github repository.